The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Asking How I Could Help Worked for This Mother-in-Law

Written by Dr. Laura | 7/11/24 8:15 AM

I began listening to you on KFI in Los Angeles when my now-32-year-old son was a baby. I chose to be a stay-at-home mom after earning a master's degree, and your show was a powerful affirmation of my decision.


My son and his amazing wife just had a baby. Before visiting them as a new grandma, I listened to your Deep Dive on mother-in-law mistakes, so I’d be aware of potential friction.


I took to heart the advice to always ask permission and cheerfully respond no matter what. It worked! They were in charge, and I listened. I asked before holding or changing the baby. I asked how I could help, and I listened if they declined my offer.


As a result, I got LOTS of baby time and no push-back from the new parents. I could have really blown it if I took it upon myself to “help” in ways they didn’t want. They did end up asking me to do a few things for them, but my main job was to cuddle the baby between feedings! Thank you again for your straightforward wisdom!




Asking How I Could Help Worked for This Mother-in-Law


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