The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Being Playful Helps Make a Strong Marriage

Written by Dr. Laura | 8/12/24 8:15 AM

I wanted to share something pretty cute and funny that has evolved in my marriage.


One day, my husband took the garbage out and noticed some boxes in the canister that weren’t cut down. He came in and said, “Hey babe, can you just put any boxes next to the canister and I’ll have the box cutter guy cut them down to fit into the bin." (Hint: He's the box-cutter guy) He had a playful tone, so I played along “Oh my! I had no idea we hired such a service…of course I will!” This little joke spread throughout the years to “The bed lady” (she makes the bed) “the laundry girl”, the “BBQ guy” …the list goes on. It is so fun to sit on my hubby’s lap and say, "Hey sweetie…is the trash guy available?" After snuggling, he says "I'll go tell him to take the trash out, baby."


The game always makes us laugh. As you can guess, he jumps at the opportunity to help me “make the bed” (wink). It can even break up a tense moment or argument. I remember I was agitated about something, and he said “I heard the box-cutter guy gives great hugs. You want me to go find him?” I immediately burst into laughter, and we hugged. My agitation disappeared.


My point? You always talk about having fun and being playful, and thanks to you, we have plenty of both! Reading your book "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands” has impacted my life to no end. I appreciate you so much! Thank you a million!




Being Playful Helps Make a Strong Marriage


How do you and your spouse keep your marriage playful? Let me know your stories by sending an email to!