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Email of the Day: Being the Mother My Kids Needed

By Dr. Laura on October 9, 2024
Email of the Day: Being the Mother My Kids Needed

Thirty-some years ago my husband decided he didn't want to be a husband or dad anymore to our two young children, and he left us. I felt pressured to date and replace the husband I had lost. After a couple of short, failed relationships, I found you on AM radio and began listening intently.


I heard you advise a divorced woman with young children not to date, but to simply enjoy her raising her children. Wow, it was such a relief, and an β€œah-ha” moment! It seems silly in hindsight, but I did feel pressure to remarry. I didn't think I could parent alone. Once I changed my focus, things fell into place in my life. I started my own business and made a comfortable living on my own. My son and his wife are now running that business, allowing me to retire.

My children are grateful I didn’t remarry and have appreciated the choices you helped me make all those years ago. Being a woman my children can respect has been so worth it!

Thanks again for all you do, lady.




Being the Mother My Kids Needed


What does 'being the mother my kids needed' mean to you? I'm fascinated to hear your ideas, which you can email to drlaura@drlaura.com!



Family C2A All Blue


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