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Bad Childhood

Email of the Day: Breaking Free from My Mom

By Dr. Laura on September 24, 2024
Email of the Day: Breaking Free from My Mom

I grew up with a mother who self-medicated with alcohol and prescription drugs. Dad would avoid her by devoting all his time to the family business. I learned to keep the peace by doing whatever it took to keep mom on an even keel. At her death bed, my sister declined to be there, and she refused to see my brother. I was the only one willing to put up with her until the very last moment.


My mom's been deceased for nearly three years, yet I still suffer with the anxiety of what I should've and could’ve done differently with her. Through listening to you, I realize that in some ways I’m still wishing for her love and approval. I know I must let go of this mindset, so, to help I use prayer, journaling, bird watching, exercise, painting and listening to your show on my walks. Thank you for your wisdom and voice of reason.



God bless you,


Breaking Free from My Mom


Have you broken an unhealthy cycle? Tell me how you did it by emailing drlaura@drlaura.com!



Family C2A All Blue


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- September 27, 2024
