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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Doing the Best Thing for Children

By Dr. Laura on September 10, 2024
Email of the Day: Doing the Best Thing for Children

Last year, I obtained permanent custody of my then 2-month-old grandson. My situation reminds me of a recent Call of the Day episode about 41-year-old Danielle who rescued her infant granddaughter from foster care.


I was a stay-at-home mom to my two children and knew I would do the same for my grandson. It’s bittersweet to leave my beloved job as a university psychology professor. But there’s no doubt that quitting was the correct decision for my family. We’re often beyond exhausted, but this tiny baby brings immeasurable joy every single day to my husband and me. We cannot imagine our lives without him.


I want to tell that caller, Danielle: it will all work out. Follow your heart. You are his only mother now, and no one can replace you. I wish you all the best.


Thank you, Dr. Laura, for all that you do for the children




Doing the Best Thing for Children


Grandparents, I want to hear from you: When have you stepped in to do the right thing for your grandchild? Share your stories with me by emailing drlaura@drlaura.com!



Family C2A All Blue


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- September 10, 2024
