The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Don't Miss the Opportunity to Stand Up For Yourself

Written by Dr. Laura | 5/20/24 8:15 AM

I am writing to share a call that truly resonated with me. I recently listened to the Call of the Day episode from October 28, 2022, regarding destructive families. You spoke to a woman whose father was bad-mouthing her husband to the rest of the family. You advised her to stand up to her father. Her husband wanted to remain non-confrontational. You advised her to put her father in his place, even though he would likely never change his controlling behavior. Your guidance teaches us to always stand up for ourselves, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.



Unfortunately, my wife and I listened to this call too late. We had destructive families of our own that we had already cut out of our lives about a year ago. Even though the end result for us would not have changed, and we wouldn’t have changed anyone’s controlling and destructive tendencies, we missed an opportunity to stand up for ourselves.


This reminded me of something that I've heard you say to your listeners: "If you don’t stand up for yourself, you’ll only be angry with yourself in the future." I strongly recommend listeners take your advice. Sometimes doing something just for “you” is imperative even if it doesn’t result in the changed behavior of others.




Don't Miss the Opportunity to Stand Up For Yourself


How have you stood up for yourself in the face of family or friends? Share your story with me by sending an email to!