The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Don't Repeat My Mistake

Written by Dr. Laura | 6/25/24 8:15 AM

Today I heard a person call and ask what age children should start school. I’d like to share my experience. I have a daughter and son who are almost 2 years apart. My daughter was older and very bright, so we started her in kindergarten at the low end of age 5. What a mistake. For 5 years she struggled. She didn’t catch up to her peers until 6th grade. It was a miserable experience.


Not wanting to make the same mistake twice, we held back our son until he was an older 6. What a difference. He was more mature than most kids in his class, and he thrived. My advice is to hold your kids back, and you will be happy with the results!


Our kids are now 30 and 32 and are parents to our 5 happy grandchildren. None of them have started school early.




Don't Repeat My Mistake


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