The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Dr. Laura Has Changed My Life in the Best Possible Way

Written by Dr. Laura | 8/5/24 8:15 AM

Listening to you for the last four years (at the encouragement of my daughters) has changed my life! Now, if I’m listening to a show with women complaining about their stupid dating choices, you’re guaranteed to hear me screaming, “YOU ARE NOT CHOOSING WELL! STOP!” Sometimes, when friends complain about their spouse, I might let it slip, "Well, Dr. Laura says...” I just can no longer tolerate people who complain but keep making the same dumb mistakes.


Three years ago, my husband of 20 years died. My mother-in-law was being so mean about the funeral, and I just couldn’t call into your program without sobbing. Instead, I was consoled by one of my daughters who wisely asked, “What do you think Dr Laura would tell you?” By talking it out, I was able to process the situation and not let it bother me anymore.


Fast forward to today: my fiancé likes to say to me, “What would Dr. Laura say?” So now even he’s been brainwashed! Joking aside, my life is better because I no longer listen to or engage in drama, I don’t expect others to change, and I’m no longer complaining about things I’ve tolerated for years. I will continue to do the right thing because of you!   




Dr. Laura Has Changed My Life in the Best Possible Way


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