The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Focus On The Good Stuff

Written by Dr. Laura | 6/26/24 8:15 AM

I love the story you tell about the caller who missed seeing her husband’s socks scattered all over their home. It serves as a great reminder of how preciously short life is and teaches us that to fully love our spouses, we must embrace all of them, even when there are things we would like to change.



Though I am just 10 months into my marriage, I have already experienced that twinge of annoyance that comes when you realize your spouse forgot to do something you asked him to do. I was motivated by your caller's story, and I have found a solution that I wanted to share — it’s been a game changer for me!


Every time I feel a little annoyed, I stop what I’m doing and redirect my focus to find three things that my husband did for me that I did NOT ask him to do like making my coffee and hanging a new bookshelf.


In the times I’ve practiced this, I’ve found that my frustration disappears immediately. Instead, I’m left with warm feelings towards my husband.




Focus On The Good Stuff


Have you overcome a hurdle in your marriage? Let us know how you went from annoyed to grateful for your spouse by sending a message to!