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Email of the Day: Having My Son Repeat Kindergarten Was the Best Parenting Decision

By Dr. Laura on May 21, 2024
Woman sits at kitchen table with young boy sitting next to her while doing homework

After teaching kindergarten and developmental first grade, I became a stay-at-home mom to my son. I thought he was more than ready to start school at five years old. He was bright, inquisitive, smart and sociable. Kindergarten was now basically what first grade was when I was teaching β€” less circle time, less free play, less music, less exploration. We decided to have him repeat kindergarten at a nearby school. It was difficult at first, and he wasn't thrilled.



Our decision to have him repeat kindergarten is a mere blip on the radar of his life. He barely remembers it! What he does remember is the lifelong friends he made as well as his success and confidence in his classes. It was the best decision we could have made for him.


To the parents out there who are considering giving their child another year to grow and develop, I say do it. Parents, if you see your young child struggling, don't worry what others will think. It has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with development and maturity. Give your child time. You won't regret it.



Thanks for all you do!


Having My Son Repeat Kindergarten Was the Best Parenting Decision


Have you held a child back or had them start a school a little older? I'd love to hear what that was like for you and your family. You can share with me by sending an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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