The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Here's How I Deal With Panic Attacks

Written by Dr. Laura | 7/16/24 8:15 AM

I heard a call today about the lady afraid to fly across the country for a wedding. I was truly amazed and impressed with your perspective on panic attacks. It’s good to be reminded that nobody dies from it, and you can get through it. I have struggled with low self-confidence for most of my life, prompted by my abusive dad who yelled a lot. I used to shake in my shoes when I didn’t think I could do something. But I was committed to getting better.


As a hospice nurse these days, I still get anxious while performing unfamiliar tasks. I just handle it differently now. I never let my patients and their families see how scared I am. My mannerisms stays calm even if my stomach feels very tight, my heart is racing and I’m sweating bullets. I call for a video visit with an RN and they walk me through it. By the end of it, I’ve learned something new.


My mom made an encouraging observation a few years ago about my nervousness. No matter how scared as I was, she pointed out that I never tried to get out of anything. I just faced it head-on and did what I had to do. Like you, I lived through it. A healthy perspective does wonders. I may not be able to change the stressful situations at work, but I am better able to deal with them by caring for myself. Thank you for a refreshing way of looking at things. You are always my hero.




Here's How I Deal With Panic Attacks


How do you deal with anxiety attacks? How do you calm yourself down? Share your tips with me by sending an email to!