The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Homeschooling Is Worth It

Written by Dr. Laura | 5/29/24 8:15 AM

I began homeschooling just by reading with my three kids. I knew I had hit on something when my almost-three-year-old started recognizing words in books. I always ran my finger below the words as I read. Eventually, she started recognizing what sounds and letters went together. From there it morphed naturally into worksheets and some on-the-job training on my part.



Now our home is like a schoolhouse. My kids learned the same subjects but at different levels. Classical education makes this pretty easy to do. I’m just writing to say it can be done. Is it easy? No. Is it 100% more rewarding than dropping off and picking up your kid at school? Heck yeah!   



Many blessings,


Homeschooling Is Worth It


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