The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: I Did The Right Thing for My Family

Written by Dr. Laura | 10/8/24 8:15 AM

As a listener of 20 years, I’ve never called in because I chose wisely, and we both treat kindly. We decided early on in our marriage that we’d make all the necessary sacrifices for my wife to be a stay-at-home mother. Was it easy? NO! Did we have the finer things in life? NO! Did my children receive love all day? ABSOLUTLEY!


I worked a full-time and a part-time job even while taking college classes so that I could provide for my family and my wife could be home loving our kids all day. This is what I know you call “being a MAN!”


It’s very frustrating to see the value of motherhood being diminished nowadays. There is no calling in life or job position more important or divine than a mother. I cherish my wife for all she does, and my children KNOW it. They see me give her hugs and kisses. They see how much I respect her. The best way to teach our kids is by example. I witnessed one of my sons opening the car door for his sister the other day. Apparently, the gears are turning in those brains! Thank you for the sound advice you provide the world.




I Did The Right Thing for My Family


What does 'being a man' mean to you? I'm fascinated to hear your ideas, which you can email to!