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Email of the Day: I Gained Determination by Losing Weight

By Dr. Laura on July 12, 2024
Email of the Day: I Gained Determination by Losing Weight

You’ve received many calls from women who look to you for the reason why they can’t lose weight. They’re looking for that magic answer that will help them instantly shed pounds with little effort. I’ve always been fat. In the past, I didn’t care because I was active, and my health test numbers were in check. But in 2017, I found myself weighing as much as an NFL linebacker. Those numbers scared me. My 63-year-old joints hurt worse than they normally did. I decided it was time to make changes. Thinking about your famous saying, between now and dead, I did not want to feel like this. But I was having a hard time staying on track.


Around that time, you received a call from a 44-year-old woman who had weight loss surgery. She gained back the fat she lost, and she hoped you could tell her why. Before you even answered, I thought, “This is not going to be pretty.” You gave her tough love. In the process, you reminded me what I needed to hear — to “just do it.”


The truth is that you’re not wrong. If I wanted to be smaller, I just had to do it. With that in mind, I’m proud to say I lost 25 pounds. 




I Gained Determination by Losing Weight


Have you dealt with weight loss before? What helped you stay committed to your goals, and what was the most difficult part of the process? I'd love to hear from you! You can email me at drlaura@drlaura.com!



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