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stay-at-home mom

Email of the Day: I Have News For Moms And Dads

By Dr. Laura on October 7, 2024
Email of the Day: I Have News For Moms And Dads

I'm 61, and I want to back you up on all you say about daycare. It was such a terrible experience for me that I vowed to never do it to my own children. When I got dropped off at daycare, I felt abandoned, unloved and "less than." I would even lock myself in the car, so I wouldn't have to get out. My world felt out of control, and I was only three years old.


When I got married and had children of my own, they never went to daycare or to a babysitter. It was NON-NEGOTIABLE. I was a stay-at-home mom who got criticized, ridiculed, disapproved of and even called "stupid." I didn't care. I stayed home with those babies, danced with them, walked with them, examined puddles with them and played in the snow. Now my children are grown with babies of their own, and they’ve thanked me for being a stay-at-home mom.


Keep fighting the good fight, Dr. Laura. Little kids are counting on you!





I Have News For Moms And Dads


Did you face criticism about your decision to become a full-time mom? I'd love to hear how you handled it. Share your stories with me by emailing drlaura@drlaura.com!



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