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Bad Childhood

Email of the Day: I Know I'm Resilient Because of You

By Dr. Laura on June 4, 2024
Email of the Day: I Know I'm Resilient Because of You

Your recent Email of the Day hit me hard. A woman wrote in about never being hugged by her parents or told, β€œI love you.” I had to pull over and re-visit a part of my past I had stuffed down and tried to forget. I observed my mother hug and outwardly express love to my younger sister. When I questioned her favoritism at 9 years old, she shamed me and said she didn’t have to tell me anything.



Over the years, I embraced the truth you spread. There is nothing wrong with me. She’s just my egg donor as you say, and I can accept that. Thank goodness I didn’t end up like my 55-year-old snowflake sister who still lives at home!


I cut my mother off eight years ago, and I’ve never been happier. I don’t get depressed or sad anymore. I showed myself how resilient I am. I’m a successful woman, mother, and grandmother! And I make sure to tell all my grown kids and grandkids how much I love them at the end of our phone calls or visits.


I really appreciate you reading that email. It helped remind me of my sanity and that I never did anything wrong. Keep sharing the love Mother Laura, you are my hero.  




I Know I'm Resilient Because of You


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