The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: It Was a Privilege to Raise My Warrior Son

Written by Dr. Laura | 5/1/24 8:15 AM

When I hear female callers lamenting the obvious choice, I often reflect on my own decision to become a stay-at-home mom.


After my son joined the Air Force I was diagnosed with aggressive leukemia. For the next year, I ferociously battled “The Big C.” I had no hair and weighed 80 pounds when I reunited with him a year later. Seeing him was the most joyous moment of my life!  Thankfully, I’m now cancer-free and healthy!


My son was recently deployed overseas. After we said our goodbyes at the airport, my phone pinged with a text message from him:


"Mom, even before I joined the military, you have always been there. Not just physically, but in every way that a mother should be. You demolished cancer like it was nothing. You’re the strongest person I know and the strongest person I will ever know. I really can’t put into words how thankful I am to have you as a leader, a teacher, an idol, but most importantly, a mother. Having a great mother is truly the best gift I could ever ask for."


His words are a testament to the tremendous rewards that come from parental sacrifices. As our kids grow older, they see the value of a loving and present mother. And that’s when the real reward is bestowed upon us.




It Was a Privilege to Raise My Warrior Son


Has your child done something to make you proud? Share your proud parenting moment with me by sending a message to!