The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Learning Responsibility From My Parents

Written by Dr. Laura | 7/25/24 8:15 AM

How I learned from my parents was by their example. My siblings and I watched our parents as they showed kindness to others. They taught us to own up to our mistakes, tell the truth and be honest, pay bills on time, live within our means, and use wisdom when choosing a mate.


In high school I was allowed to drive daddy's old car to school. Then, in college, I drove his old truck. When I left home, daddy told me I could borrow his old car until I bought my own. I found a job and immediately bought a used VW Beetle. I was so proud of having a job, my own car, my own apartment, and to be paying my own bills.


I never borrowed money from my parents after leaving home. They taught me I was responsible for myself, to pay my own way, to stay out of debt, and to save a little each month. Over the years, I thanked my parents for their discipline and love. They taught me so much about living a responsible life. They’ve been gone a long time now, but I still look up to them and use their lives as inspiration.


I know how very blessed I am.




Learning Responsibility From My Parents


What example did your parents set for you? Were they a positive or negative influence on your behavior? Share your experience by emailing!