The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Lessons in Love, Responsibility, and Commitment

Written by Dr. Laura | 5/2/24 8:15 AM

We have listened to you for ages. We listened to you when we were raising our children and have gained so much insight and a healthy perspective from our investment of taking that time! Your message of tough love, responsible existence and commitment has graced our world endlessly.


We have 4 children that are all married, doing well, productive, employed and doing a tremendously tough job of raising our 11 grandkids.  We will have a “baker’s dozen” after our special delivery in October too! If we drive anywhere, to visit our children and the grandkids, the first thing we turn in is you, our moral, ethical, and wise compass!  


My momma faced depression and many great struggles, but she instilled a haven of character-building and lifelong lessons in me! With her gifts and your teachings, I have been blessed endlessly. Take good care of yourself and keep spreading your message!!



Bless you, Lily, and yours,

Amy and Glen

Lessons in Love, Responsibility, and Commitment


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