The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Love Your Kids More Than You Hate Your Ex

Written by Dr. Laura | 6/27/24 8:15 AM

I often listen to you on my bicycle rides, and it was on one of these rides I heard you say in my ear, “You need to love your kids more than you hate your ex-husband.” It was like a bell rang in my head that day!


I can’t tell you how that one sentence has changed my life for the better. My ex and I had a very contentious divorce, and our children had to live through the aftermath of our chaos! After apologizing and taking responsibility for my role, I now implement this concept.


To my joy, our kids have been much happier around me and their dad. They have embraced my ex and his new wife. Together, the three of us decided to “love more than hate” and stop dividing the family. We have included each other in and are polite to one another at holiday gatherings, vacation outings and our oldest son’s wedding. I’ve noticed how much happier and less stressed my kids are at these events.


We don’t have grandchildren yet, but I know they’ll have a lovely, secure upbringing with grandparents who are cordial and happy at their family functions. We have you to thank for all of this, Dr. Laura (but my kids just think I suddenly grew wiser!). Your advice has helped reunite our family.




Love Your Kids More Than You Hate Your Ex


Do you have a story to share about how you fixed a problem in your family? Tell me by sending a message to!