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Email of the Day: Make Your Loved One Proud

By Dr. Laura on May 31, 2024
Older man sits on chair while looking out the window and holding a photograph

My wife died after an eight-year battle with cancer. I felt there was something wrong with me because I didn't mourn. While listening to your program I heard a lady call in because she had lost her 18-year-old son, and her best friend told her she had to get over it. You told her that she would never get over it. However, you did give her a few suggestions. She could sleep one hour longer each morning. She should get up, shower, and dress, and not sit around in her bathrobe the whole day. Her thoughts would change from thinking about her loss to thinking about one thing she was going to do that day that would make her son proud.



This call made me realize that I had mourned the loss of my wife. I would get up each morning and sit in my chair for hours. I would even ask myself if I was depressed.


When I speak to someone who is letting the loss of a loved one control their life, I suggest that they start changing their thinking about their loss and start thinking of one thing they could do each day that would make the person proud. This was great advice!




Make Your Loved One Proud


What advice helped you the most in your time of grief? Share your story by sending me an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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