The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Making It Better

Written by Dr. Laura | 6/11/24 8:15 AM

While listening, I heard you say a quote that I have been applying to my own life: “How can I make this better?”


Everyone has struggles and rough patches. Dwelling on the negative aspect of the problem is counterproductive. Instead of focusing on the bad parts of an issue, I ask myself "How can I make this better?" Once I ask this question, I begin to see things in a different light. I start thinking of ways to make it better, which immediately helps me to feel better about whatever problem I’m trying to tackle.


Thank you for your words of wisdom. I, like so many others, wish I had found your program many years ago. I'm glad I listen now, though, and apply your words of wisdom to my life daily!



Making It Better


What specific phrase or saying of mine has been influential to you? Send me your story by sending an email to!