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Email of the Day: Making Marriage Work After an Affair

By Dr. Laura on July 22, 2024
Email of the Day: Making Marriage Work After an Affair

Twenty years into my marriage with three kids, I found out my husband was having an affair with a coworker. I thought we were best friends and had a solid relationship, so naturally, I was devastated.


If I were listening to my own story I would have said, "She should leave." It was a horrible time in my life. As a woman, I felt worthless and destroyed. But I was more than a woman; I was the mother of three children. They had nothing to do with their dad's infidelity. Luckily, my husband took full responsibility, and we worked it out. My attitude was that staying would be hard, but if anyone was going to be hurt and in pain, I would rather it be me than my kids. Even though I knew I was innocent, I also made changes to become a better wife.


Our kids are grown up now with families of their own. Life is not perfect. We have problems like every other family. But, when things get tough, I sleep well knowing I have done everything to help our family succeed and that any problems our kids have had are just normal bumps in the road and not the result of a broken family. We have shown them failure, strength, love, and perseverance. At least that's how I see it!


PS: August is our 49th wedding anniversary




Making Marriage Work After an Affair


Has your marriage survived infidelity? How has it changed? Share your story by emailing drlaura@drlaura.com!



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- August 21, 2024
