The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: My Husband Loves Me Beyond the Grave

Written by Dr. Laura | 9/16/24 8:15 AM

I wanted to write to you about my first husband’s passing after hearing you pose the question on today’s show, "Who would you want at your death bed?” On his last night, my husband worried about me not getting any rest. He promised he was OK and encouraged me to sleep. When I woke up a few hours later, I just knew he wasn't breathing.


When we got to the hospital, the doctor told me it was time to say goodbye because the prognosis wasn’t looking good. He then took me into the room where they were trying to save my husband’s life. I gave the doctor his prepared health care directive that said my husband didn’t want any special measures taken for resuscitation. At that very moment, the nurse called out, “We just lost his heartbeat and pulse.” I think he was waiting for me to let him go.


A year after his passing, I had a very vivid dream of my husband and I jumping off an airplane. As we stood before the opening, he could tell I was very frightened and said, “No, just hold on to me and I will make sure all is OK.” I took his hands, and we jumped. He told me it was time to let go as we got closer to the ground. I said I couldn't, but he insisted, “You will be fine, I promise you won’t get hurt.” I let go and woke up as I hit the ground. As crazy as this sounds, I believe it was him telling me it was time to get on with my life. While the years were difficult at times, I do not regret it. I have been blessed with the love of a very special man.




My Husband Loves Me Beyond the Grave


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