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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: Taking the Time to Show He Matters

By Dr. Laura on September 19, 2024
Email of the Day: Taking the Time to Show He Matters

My husband is a simple man. He’s very "low maintenance" and is made happy by little things. Reading your books has helped me understand things about a man's needs that I didn’t comprehend before. They’ve been a turnkey solution for me in my married life.


One thing my husband has always said is important to him is that we work together through our issues. Some of those issues have been difficult, like when our oldest teenage son committed suicide. Watching each of our five remaining children grieve was probably the hardest thing we’ve had to endure. But we got through it and continued to press forward TOGETHER. As of this year, we will have enjoyed 33 years of marriage.


Although there are no guarantees, I believe that a good marriage can happen with discipline, commitment and investment - the discipline to devote yourself to your husband and the commitment to invest time and attention into your relationship. (And that means both physically and emotionally!)


My husband tells me often how much he loves me. He hugs me a lot and makes me feel special even when I can barely stand myself. He has proven to me that I can trust him. I’m richly blessed thanks to taking the time to show him how much he matters to me.




Taking the Time to Show He Matters


How did you and your spouse get through the most difficult challenge in your marriage? Share your stories of love by emailing drlaura@drlaura.com!



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- September 5, 2024
