The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: The Joy of Grocery Shopping With Mom

Written by Dr. Laura | 7/11/23 8:45 AM

A while ago, I heard a call about a toddler who loves the trips to the grocery store. I remember that was MY favorite place as a kid too. It was magical – all those colors, smells and lights, aisle after aisle after aisle. And the toy aisle! I never got all I wanted, of course, but those shelves of toys stretched up high to Mt. Olympus. I wore myself out just looking at everything. And after all that, I got a penny horse ride on the way out. I felt like royalty atop my steed, all the kingdom pushing their carts past and winking at me.



I’d been to places with Ferris wheels and cotton candy, but they were nothing compared to the grocery store, and Mom knew it. It got to the point where she even stopped buying the week’s worth of groceries and went every other day for a few items instead.

And to all you grocery shoppers in northern Ohio in the early seventies, if you’re wondering where all the Chiquita banana stickers went, I stuck them all over every inch of my body!




The Joy of Grocery Shopping With Mom