The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: THIS Is Why Routines Are Important For Kids

Written by Dr. Laura | 6/5/24 8:15 AM

When our triplets were little, they each had a favorite stuffed animal puppet that we’d incorporate into our bedtime stories and use to spark long conversations.



Our children are 35 with kids of their own now, but they still have their puppets. When I attended their sonogram appointments for their own babies, I recorded the sound of each of their firstborn’s heartbeats then gave them back their cleaned and restuffed puppet with their child’s heartbeat sewn inside.


I have since learned the same traditions take place in each triplet’s family! I pray it brings them as much joy as it did me. My husband and I fondly look back on those days. I remember how exhausted we were (we changed more than 36 diapers a day!) but we all made it! We feel blessed to have been given the responsibility to raise these amazing adults. We’re now enjoying the next phase of our new roles as ultra-fun grandparents!



Much respect,

Deborah (or as we are lovingly called - DeDe and GRUMPS!)

THIS Is Why Routines Are Important For Kids


What traditions did you pass on to your kids? I'd love to hear about your family's rituals that continue with the next generation! Send your story by sending an email to!