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Email of the Day: You Helped Change My Life

By Dr. Laura on June 13, 2022
Email of the Day: You Helped Change My Life

I immigrated from Ukraine with my family when I was nearly 3 years old. Our household was always chaotic and stressful growing up, since there were seven kids and my father had a lot of anger and verbally abused my mother in front of us, even when she was pregnant with my siblings. We lived in fear of an outburst and walked on eggshells daily. My mom was afraid of calling the police and losing us kids to a foster home, so she stayed and took the abuse.


When I was eleven, I started working, doing odd jobs for a retired schoolteacher and her doctor husband. They were the sweetest couple, and she picked me up from my home or after school and drove me to their home. I did everything from canning to cleaning for them. Then they’d drive me home. During our 30-minute drives each way, she’d listen to your radio program and we’d discuss the calls afterwards. Until I was 17 (when I was able to get my first car), I heard your program on a regular basis. I attribute marrying my amazing husband to you! You helped me choose wisely, and to this day, learn how to treat kindly and have a good marriage.


My life is peaceful, calm and wonderful (even with two kids)! What a change from the way I was brought up. Both parents have passed away, and I believe I am the happiest and most successful of my siblings. I still listen to you too. You made a bigger impact on me than you could ever know, and I still call and speak to the lovely retired teacher who introduced you to me (and I regularly thank her for turning on your program all those years ago).



A stay-at-home mom, my husband’s girlfriend, and one of your biggest fans.

You Helped Change My Life





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