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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: You Helped Me Do the Right Thing

By Dr. Laura on June 17, 2024
Email of the Day: You Helped Me Do the Right Thing

I began listening to you about a year ago, and I fell in love with your unfiltered and straight-forward wisdom. Today, with your encouragement ringing in my ears, I did the right thing.


I hate confrontation. But I knew I needed to address a situation with my daughter and son-in-law this weekend. It would’ve been easier to sweep everything under the rug, but it would fester and cause a problem if not addressed.  


I wrote down what I needed to say and set it aside for a few hours. Then, I called them both and read what I wrote. I listened carefully to their response, and we engaged in polite discussion afterward.  


I was able to speak my mind, and they respectfully listened and accepted what I said! It’s a win all the way around that wouldn't have happened without hearing you in my ear saying, β€œDo you love these people? Then what are you afraid of?!”  


We ended the conversation with my daughter telling me she appreciated that I cared enough to directly address the problem with her and her husband.  


Thank you for what you do, Dr. Laura. You make a difference. 




You Helped Me Do the Right Thing


Have you experienced a dilemma that challenged you to "do the right thing?" Tell me by sending an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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