The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: You Helped Me Do the Right Thing

Written by Dr. Laura | 6/17/24 8:15 AM

I began listening to you about a year ago, and I fell in love with your unfiltered and straight-forward wisdom. Today, with your encouragement ringing in my ears, I did the right thing.


I hate confrontation. But I knew I needed to address a situation with my daughter and son-in-law this weekend. It would’ve been easier to sweep everything under the rug, but it would fester and cause a problem if not addressed.  


I wrote down what I needed to say and set it aside for a few hours. Then, I called them both and read what I wrote. I listened carefully to their response, and we engaged in polite discussion afterward.  


I was able to speak my mind, and they respectfully listened and accepted what I said! It’s a win all the way around that wouldn't have happened without hearing you in my ear saying, “Do you love these people? Then what are you afraid of?!”  


We ended the conversation with my daughter telling me she appreciated that I cared enough to directly address the problem with her and her husband.  


Thank you for what you do, Dr. Laura. You make a difference. 




You Helped Me Do the Right Thing


Have you experienced a dilemma that challenged you to "do the right thing?" Tell me by sending an email to!