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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: You Made It Simple to Be New Parents

By Dr. Laura on October 3, 2024
Email of the Day: You Made It Simple to Be New Parents

I called you almost 2 years ago and asked you your advice on preparing to have a baby. You gave simple yet genius advice. You told us to live for a year on just my husband's salary. My salary should be saved. This way we could see how to adjust finances so I could be a stay-at-home mom. We implemented your advice and quickly saw the numbers were not working out. My wonderful husband (who HATES change) stepped out of his comfort zone and left his 7-year dead-end job to start a new career with better possibilities for our future. We got pregnant! His job paid for 100% of maternity appointments AND hospital bills! I told my job I wouldn't be coming back after she was born. Our baby girl just turned 8 months old, and she is the light of our lives. I'm so very thankful to have a wonderful husband willing to be a MAN and make this possible for our family.


Not trying to paint a "perfect picture." Money is tight. I get overstimulated and overwhelmed often trying to adapt to my new role, but we wouldn't have it any other way. When my baby girl is sick, tired, or in pain I'm the one who is there to comfort her. I'm the one who makes her laugh, babble, and grin ear to ear. I'm the one who gets to be there for every milestone. I have wanted to be a mom ever since I can remember. I didn’t want to just carry and give birth to a child but be her mom. I LOVE knowing she's loved all day. Even more, I love being the one who gets to do all the loving!!!


Thank you, Dr. Laura, for your advice on how my husband and I could make it possible for me to be my kid’s mom! God bless you!




You Made It Simple to Be New Parents


How did you get through the difficult transition of becoming parents? Share your stories of tribulations and strength by emailing drlaura@drlaura.com!



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- September 10, 2024
