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Topic: Bad Childhood

Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: The Guilt Is Killing Me
By Dr. Laura on February 26, 2024

Ken has kept a deep painful secret to himself his whole life but the guilt of keeping matter from his wife is hurting him and he doesn't know how to handle it.

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Bad Childhood

Email of the Day: My Healing Is MY Responsibility
By Dr. Laura on February 22, 2024

One of the biggest regrets of my life is not reading your books, "10 Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives" and "Bad Childhood, Good Life" when I was 18 years old. When I finally...

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Ready to Clear the Air
By Dr. Laura on February 14, 2024

Anne would like to share something with her elderly mother that she thinks will make their relationship and her life healthier.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: My Relationship With My Dad Has Changed
By Dr. Laura on January 19, 2024

Rebecca's relationship with her father has changed for the worse since he remarried, and she doesn't see a way to get back to what it once was.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: How Could My Mother Let That Happen?
By Dr. Laura on January 9, 2024

Anne's dreams have been making her think about how her mother did not protect her when she needed her the most. Now the memories are driving her crazy.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Dreaming of My Abuser
By Dr. Laura on January 9, 2024

Anne's father recently passed away. Since his death Anne has been dreaming of him and the abuse he put her and her siblings through.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: My Childhood Trauma Is Back In My Life
By Dr. Laura on December 15, 2023

Andrew is reluctant to testify against the man who molested him decades ago.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: How Do I Move Past the Anger I Now Feel Towards My Mother?
By Dr. Laura on November 22, 2023

Kayla never paid much attention to growing up without a mother. Now that she is a mother, she realizes her anger toward her own mom.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I Wish My Dad Cared More
By Dr. Laura on October 11, 2023

Lindsey is sad about how much time her dad devotes to his job and his new wife while seemingly having none for her.

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