This is from Barry:
Dear Dr. Laura:
I was a participant in an unwanted, unnecessary divorce...because my wife wasn't 'happy.' I have 3 minor children who, despite my tremendous efforts to the contrary...only get to see me 7-10 days a month. I do everything I can to remain in their lives so I might display to them the importance and value of good character, good values/morals, and integrity....
For Valentine's Day, I wrote my 5 year old daughter a poem. I'm not a poet by any means. I'm your basic manly man. These words simply came to me in the half-hour it took to write them down. In it are references to many things we do as a
....I thought you might like to read it:
A Poem for Claire
A poem for Claire is what I will try. I hope it turns out - ya see, I'm only a guy. There are jobs that I have- One is being your Dad. Out of all of the jobs That one makes me most glad.
We do things we like And some we don't mind. I'm pleased that you're nice And so warm and so kind.
I tell you I'm serious But you know that I'm not We're both
silly And we smile a LOT!
We sit out in back And look at the clouds You see shapes I don't see You make me so proud.
Walking to school Is always so fun. It's been so cold lately We can't wait for the sun!
You fiddle with your homework. Maybe a snack instead? But each night we read Just before time for bed.
I love when we play You're so very special We dance and we laugh Now it's time to WRESTLE!
We cuddle on the sofa Watch TV at night. But we don't watch a show That might give you a fright.
We make up games to play Sometimes go for a hike. But what you like most Is riding your bike!
You play Dan-Ball and Rock Band And sometimes the Wii. "Daddy, come look! Come here! Come see!"
I'm busy in the kitchen Moving fast there to here. You're the first and the loudest During our dinnertime cheer.
I miss you dearly When we're far apart, But I'll always remind you I'm in your head and your heart.
The message is clear In this poem you hear. Your Dad loves you greatly And I will always be near.
I want you to know You're my best Valentine. I will ALWAYS be yours If you will be mine.
I love you. Dad
You've made me a better man, Dr. Laura. I thank you.