Finally, Monday has brought a bit of peace for us. Here's a recap:
For the start on Friday, we wanted to be windward of the committee boat for clean air to our sail. We accomplished that in spite of big boat trying to barge between us and the committee boat. There was no room but he kept a comin.' He had about 3 more seconds to bail or we would have collided and all I could think of at that point was about the insurance. Hahaha. But it all came out good.
Saturday was really, really unpleasant with relentless bumps and winds. I was very concerned it "would never stop." Two of our crew got seasick. Thankfully, they are okay now. And we were all very wet, tired, hungry, and stressed.
Nonetheless...we continued to do what we had to do: go fast!
Sunday was such a relief. The night crew saw an "extra terrestrial event".... The whole sky got bright and then dark again in a blink. We wonder if other boats saw that too.
A non-fried calamari flew onto our deck and left some ink. As usual, I'm thinking about food.
We're doing well today. You can follow our progress at: