Today, I'm turning my blog over to Nicole, who wrote the following:
Dr. Laura:
I'm glad to be able to tell you I'm sorry, but you had nothing to do with my long-ago-made decision to be an at-home mom to my children. I made that choice long before I started listening to you (at the ancient age of 19).
I am nearly 29 and extremely proud to tell you that my very own Mom was "her kids' mom" all my growing-up life. She did this while it was very popular to go to work, have a career and leave kids with the sitter or latch-key programs. I had very little idea that moms even went to work until friends or teachers would ask me what my mom "did." I'd look at them weirdly and think it was a funny question to ask...she lives at home and bakes, fixes our meals, does the laundry, picks us up from school every day, and watches my younger siblings! Who else would do those things if Mom didn't?
I remember going home in the first grade and asking Mom what her job title was, because the teacher needed to know for our yearbook. "Homemaker," she'd say proudly! She has been my biggest influence in modeling and reinforcing what a stay-at-home mom should look like...creative, resourceful, smart, kind, loving and self-sacrificing (and always beautiful)! Your preaching, teaching, and nagging only reinforces the atmosphere I grew up with.
Thanks for all you do for all the women who didn't grow up with my Mom.
P.S. I
give you this - you did help me when I was seeking and selecting my husband. I had to find a man who would SUPPORT me in my long-ago-made "choice of lifestyle." I found him, and COULD NOT have done ANY better! And, of course, Mom approves too!