Dear Dr. Laura,
Your caller who forgave anyone hit home with me.
I grew up in a home that was full of evil and had a mother who closed her eyes to it and continues to. At age of 5 is when I first remember realizing something was not right and my family was bad. My extended family was no better. I started rebelling against this bad behavior in my family. My immediate and extended family made me feel like a bad child...They were all sooooooo "forgiving" and "nice". I could make you sick by giving you a list of examples, but that would take too long.
I want to thank you for being the ONE person who made me feel like I was not crazy. I started listening to you when I was about 15. I continue to deal with evil in my family and my family continues to think I am a complete bitch for not "forgiving". I refuse to feel like a bad person for not pretending that evil is good in order to be "a nice person". Thank you!!!!