If you're a frequent listener to my radio program, you've probably heard me say to someone seemingly immersed in a petty annoyance: "You must have a charmed and uncomplicated life to have the time and energy to be upset about something that's ultimately so minuscule." Yeah, I know that sounds snarky, but the point is made. If your life is filled with the awe of the sky when the sun first comes up, scurrying to do some projects for charity, coming up with ideas to support a friend in emotional need, treating your spouse as though you adored every breath they take, having daily physical activity that makes you sweat and feel great afterwards, taking on a new challenge in a hobby or education at the local community college or adult extension, having a day a week you get together with buddies to play poker, make a quilt or whatever....when your life is filled in such expansive ways, then the quirky disappointments of family and friends will be shrugged off with a small smile and a lack of real concern. Try activity instead of pouting or letting your anger simmer.