I was asked the other day what New Year's resolutions I'm making. I couldn't come up with any, not because I'm in denial about having to change anything about my life, but because it's just that I live each week, much less each day, already making those changes that I choose. I like the idea of frequent "small course changes," rather than abrupt, major alterations in one's life. I find that the latter kinds of changes are harder to keep, since they are such a divergence from normal reality and routine.So, I'm not trying to talk you out of losing that 100 pounds, or finishing the roof on your house all by yourself. I just believe that it's unrealistic to put yourself in front of a 100-foot-tall pile of whatever with a spoon and told to "go at it."If it's weight that you want to lose, forget about that, and just decide not to have salad dressing loaded with fat calories, and just decide to walk 1 mile with music in your ear - iPod-style. When
gets too familiar (or starts to feel "old"), then decide that you have to eat smaller portions and ride your bike for 1 mile each day (but I recommend doing that
the iPod, in order for you to hear traffic). Get it?
things are easier to stay with, because you get instant gratification, which we all love.The weight? Don't get on the scale more than twice a month. Just revel in those small changes. The weight will take care of itself. And then, you can go shopping for new clothes (yay)!