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Email of the Day

We All Play Our Part

Dr. Laura:

We have three children and my oldest is 8.  She is old enough to do a few chores, like cleaning her room, picking up towels in her bathroom and feeding our cat.  She also takes out the trash and puts away her clean clothes.  My middle child is 4 and cleans her room and takes turns helping to clean the bathroom with her big sister, and also puts away her clean clothes.  Their little brother is only one, but he is encouraged to pick up his toys after playing with them.  

My husband and I have explained to our kids that we all have our parts to play in the family, and we all have jobs to do.  We've put the older kids in the extra curricular activities of their choice, but in order to participate, they have to keep their bathroom clean and clothes have to be put away.  We teach them responsibility and respect, and I'm very proud of them.

The reasoning that you have to work for something if you really want it (and not have it just handed to you) has really worked for us.  My kids try hard in all aspects of their life and both they and we are proud of their accomplishments!

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Parenting, Raising Boys to Men, Values
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