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Letters From Listeners

A Change Of Perspective

Dear Dr. Laura,

I am a happily married mother of three, but I did everything wrong before I found you. I could blame my alcoholic mother or my workaholic father, but the I made choices were mine.

After leaving high school with an infant, I went out into the work world and I tried to create an instant family with any man who gave me a second look. After many broken hearts, both for myself and my daughter I found you. I was hooked.

And from then on I listened, I really listened. I started taking your advice.I sat back and waited on the right guy instead of trying to make one. I am happily married to an amazing man, with whom I have two more kids. I even have a great relationship with my daughter's dad and stepmother and consider the stepmother a friend. The last 9 years of my life have been amazing since I let you in. I can't begin to thank you enough for how you've changed my perspective on life.

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Tags: Attitude, Bad Childhood-Good Life, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Regarding Dr. Laura, Woman Power
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