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Email of the Day

A Special Phone Call


Your book, "In Praise of Stay at Home Moms", helped my husband and me confirm we were right in how we wanted to raise our children. Your voice held me to my guns when I handed in my letter of resignation.

My husband is currently on night shift, working overtime so I can be home. Tonight, after tucking in our almost 2-year-old, I called my fantastic man and said, "I love you and thank you for working so hard so I can stay home." He said, "Thank you for being my wife and our kid's mom."  He then said he loved me in a voice more tender than I have heard for a while and thanked me for the late night call.

Currently, it's very late and I need to get to sleep, but I had to email you to say thank you before another crazy wonderful day with my toddler started. Thank you, Dr. Laura for always being our cheerleader!

I'm including a picture of our family; we are expecting our second daughter in late June!



Tags: In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms, Marriage, Parenting, Read On-Air, Regarding Dr. Laura, Relationships, Stay-at-Home Mom
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