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Letters From Listeners

Bad Childhood - Great Life!

Dear Dr. Laura, 

I have listened and loved your program for many years. My sperm donor was not a great man. Although my parents were married for 11 years before they had me, he had no idea how to be a father. After my parents divorced, I was happy to see him go. 

At one point, he pretended he didn't know me in a grocery store, went to jail for non-payment of child support, and tried to kill himself and blamed it on me. But despite all that, I had a loving mother and grandparents, and that's what I focused on. Luckily for me, my father has passed away and I don't have to worry about that anymore. 

I once heard you tell a caller she needed to give herself the love her parent couldn't. I thought that was so telling. So, I took your advice. I married a man and we didn't shack up! He wanted to marry me after we had been dating for a year and a half. No wishy-washy stuff from him. He has been a great provider and treats me like a queen and his girlfriend. Actually, his friends ask us all the time, why he calls me his girlfriend. He has been in the reserves for 15 years and is my hero and boyfriend. My life is wonderful because I took control of my life and let go of the past. My "father" wasn't' good - SO FREAKIN WHAT! I didn't let that destroy me. 

I'm so thankful for your show and your advice. 


Tags: Attitude, Bad Childhood-Good Life, Behavior, Marriage, Parenting, Response to a Call
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