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Letters From Listeners

Best Holiday Moment

Dear Dr. Laura,
My husband and I have 6 grown children and 14 grandchildren, spread across the country. For the second time, we celebrated Christmas Day with just the two of us.

We woke up early and attended church together. Back at home, my husband made breakfast and we exchanged our gifts, which we agreed would be modest ones this year.

The best moments came in the afternoon of Christmas day, when we spent the full afternoon calling and Skyping each of our children, grandchildren, siblings, and parents. The realization we are blessed with so many in our circle with whom to share a holiday greeting was wonderful. The physical distance between us didn't matter as we talked with family from California to Vermont and points in between - we count our blessings and gladly make the effort to let each one know they brought special joys to the holiday and to our past year.

Happy 2012 to you, and thank you for all you do!


Tags: Behavior, Christmas Day, Family/Relationships - Family, Gratitude, Holidays, Relationships, Relatives
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