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Email of the Day

Breaking The Cycle

I grew up without ever knowing or living with my father.  As an adult, I found out I was illegitimate.  My mother always told me that my father died before I was born, but when I needed his death certificate, she was forced to tell me that he was married to another woman when I was conceived.  He is dead now, but I've never met anyone from his family, and I don't know if I have half-siblings or not.

I grew up with my mother and grandmother (wasn't much better than my mother). My mother was an alcoholic who told me that I was a financial burden and that she wished she had put me in a children's home.  She thought nothing of beating me, cursing me out, and throwing things at me.  Once, she even broke a glass plate over my head because I had my elbow on the dinner table! 

I managed to break the cycle and I have had a good life as an adult.  I've learned from you that I have control over my current life, even if I didn't have any in the past.  I made sure that my children know that I love them, and I brought them up with love, nurturing, kindness and truth.  My oldest is a doctor and my youngest is a computer programming analyst.  Maybe you can't always see or know personally the people you've helped, but we're out here in the world being happier due to your guidance.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!



Tags: Bad Childhood-Good Life, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Stress
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