Dear Dr. Laura,
While listening to the e-mails yesterday that you were reading on the air, I couldn't help but think about what I hear about at work. I teach 8th grade English. It is sad how many of my students come from broken homes. I can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices they know they aren't first in their parent's eyes. This is some of what my students tell me:
•"We're moving to Pennsylvania because my mom's boyfriend got a new job there."
•"My stupid dad's girlfriend moved in with her two kids and they keep getting into my stuff!"
•"I hate going home to my stepdad. My mom works nights"
•"My mom and stepdad are divorcing, so we're probably moving and moving schools."
•"My dad's girlfriend was reading my text messages! She has no right! I hate that she lives with us and she and my dad aren't even married!"
I know none of this is new to you, Dr. Laura, but I hear it too. Between what you share and what I have heard from my students over the years, I truly understand why I shouldn't be dating. I'm a divorced father as well. Yes I miss the companionship, sharing my life with someone, waking up with a wife, etc., but I get it that my kids should come first!
And on the subject of cell phones, I don't know what we are trying to teach our kids with these things! The more unlimited access these youngsters have to their friends with the cell phones, the more we tell them that their friends come first, before school, family, etc. I've even addressed students who have had their phones out in class, and they tell me, "Oh, my mom just called me/texted me." During school?!?! Leave your kids alone, like our parents did, while they are at school. Education is a high priority. But what can I expect from people who'd rather date then raise their kids?
Thanks for your time, and what you do DAILY!!!