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Letters From Listeners

Doggy Messes in Houses More Common Than You'd Think

Hi, Dr. Laura.

We listen to you on Sirius while working. We had an uproar of laughter and shaking of heads when you played (and replayed) the call about doggy poo and pee in a caller's mother's house. Sorry to say, Dr. Laura, this is more common than you would think.

Just wanted to let you know we own a large house cleaning company and we are met with this dilemma weekly if not sometime daily: Uphold our policy on houses with feces and urination (usually dog). The same customers ALWAYS have piles and puddles throughout their high-end houses. We wonder often if these people/families are dysfunctional. They obviously go to work every day and are functional there. We conclude it is neglect of their family pet and usually their kids. It makes our staff sad. So is neglect a "mental-illness"? I'm sure not but maybe you can explain these people.


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