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Letters From Listeners

How I Taught My Boys To Be Men

I started my little men training when they were young. I had four boys and two girls. Since the boys came first, they learned to do dishes, household chores and babysitting!

I understood they were still boys. As boys, sometimes things got done a little differently. When they were little they had dolls and figurines. Most of the time the dolls became passengers in a truck or victims of an attack. There is a difference in how they play. When my girls came along, they actually played house with the kitchen set we bought for the boys and mothered their "babies."

The three who are married and have kids are awesome dads and help around the house. One of my sons, the burly one with the tattoos, was the stay at home parent for many years while his wife worked. He just lets them be boys and appreciate the fact that they are boys. He also teaches them respect for women by having them do some housework and cooking. Most importantly, to love them.

My boys love their mom, but I do insist they love their wives more. I have always encouraged them to put their marriages first.

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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Parenting, Raising Boys to Men, Tips
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