Dr. Laura,
I listen to your show frequently. I have been a listener since I was 12 years old and now I'm almost 23 and my husband and I are our expecting our first child. I was raised with a stay at home mom, my husband was as well. We were both extremely lucky. If we ever needed Mom we new right were she would be. If we were sick, she was there to take care of us, not running off to work having to take care of us over the phone.
When my husband and I were dating and thinking about marriage, we had lengthy discussions about how we would want our family structured. I am a nurse and make a very good income, however, we agreed that once we wanted children we both would want me to quit my job and stay at home with our children. Here we are a year and a half later expecting our first child. As the time was drawing closer I voiced concern to my husband about my fears of quitting my job. "But I love my job." "But it's so nice having my income." "But I don't want to lose my skills!" whine, whine, whine, complain, complain, complain… Finally, my wonderful husband grabbed me by the shoulders and said, "Kathryn, we've already decided! What do you REALLY want more than anything?" I said, "To be a loving wife to you and a great mom to my children." Then he responded "Then that is it! I will take care of you. You're not working as a nurse. But you are fulfilling your dreams and doing what we both have wanted our entire lives."
Dr. Laura, I melted. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to marry such a REAL MAN! Yes, things will be difficult, but I know we'll be fine. We love each other and have always put each other's needs first. I'm 33 weeks, and we can't wait to bring our little boy into this world. He's a lucky kid. He's coming into a loving, happy home where Dad goes out to provide and Mom is there to nurture. Thanks for all you do in praise of stay at home moms.