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Email of the Day

Keeping Us Both Happy

Dr. Laura:

I'm a real man who's lucky to have a beautiful and smart woman as my wife of 13 years.  These are the things I do to keep us both happy:

  1. Ask myself every morning:  What will I do today to make her appreciate marrying me?  

  2. Pay for a housekeeper.  I've had housekeepers since I was in graduate school.  I can afford one, so I hire one for our family.  My wife shows me her appreciation (wink, wink) for this one big time!

  3. Clean up and help around the house.  Our agreement is that she cooks and I clean up.  Works for me

  4. Cook a meal sometimes or do something that she usually does.  It's the thought that counts, even if the meal isn't as delectable as one she'd make.

  5. Write little notes and do little things for her.  Sometimes, I leave a note several pages ahead in the pages of whatever she's reading!

  6. Appreciate her wanting to keep herself looking good when she goes to the hair or nail salon.  Don't complain about the outrageous bills.  Appreciate the beauty and budget it in every month or so.  By the way, I get lucky on most "salon days."

  7. Keep her vehicle clean and running well.8. Be open and honest and don't be afraid to ask for what I want or say what I like.

  8. Keep myself healthy and clean and in shape, so I'll remain attractive to her.

  9. Occasionally take a couples cruise or go to a couples resort.  

  10. Send flowers to her mother on my wife's birthday thanking her for bringing my wife into this world.

It's all of these things and more rolled up together that make me


A Happy Husband

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, Men's Point of View, Tips, Values
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