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Email of the Day

Making Sure He's Number One

This morning I came home from work and was exhausted since I work until 1:30a.m. and climbed back into bed to get some sleep. My husband was interested in some us time, but I told him I was too tired. Before he left for work this morning I told him I didn't think we were speaking the same language when it came to telling each other that we loved each other. Being a woman, I thought naturally he was the one who had it all wrong.

Then this morning I went to the bookshelf and found your book "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands", and picked it up once again. I think I made it to chapter 2 before I realized how wrong I'd been and how neglectful I had been to my wonderful and amazing husband. He also works so hard to provide for this family and I was not being the wife he needed me to be. So, today I got dressed nice....not into "mommy clothes" and told him how sorry I was when he came home for lunch. I can't thank you enough for setting me straight once again. I am once again making sure he is #1 in my life and that he knows it.



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